Well i haven't had a lot to blog about lately, so i thought i'd give you a look at what I did this summer.
If you asked me what i was doing for the summer last march you probably wouldn't have gotten a very concrete answer from me because frankly i had no idea what i was doing last summer. Everything sorta came up at last minute for me and by the end of the summer i have to say that it was defiantly a summer that i will never forget.
To start the summer off, I spent a month at a Young Life camp in Ocala Florida called Southwind Ranch. I wasn't planning on going on this adventure until two weeks before because our area director, Strider Stokes, was desperate for more help. So Annie,Mallory,Caitlin and myself all went down to serve middle school kids for 5 weeks. During that month, our lives were changed. It was amazing how God had perfectly placed every person on summer staff there for a reason and how well we all got along. There were about 12 girls and 8 boys on the Summer Staff and we all became best friends. We laughed and cried together and most of all we all grew in God together, which is an experience that words cannot explain. Overall, it was the best month of my life, and i will never forget it and the people i spent it with.

After Summer staff at Southwind, I went to Campmeeting with my family :-)

After Campmeeting, my brother, dad and i went to Haiti on a 7 day mission trip with Coaches Honor. It was an amazing experience and it was really great to see the country first hand but it was also a very sad and eye opening trip to how much the country is in need of help. We went to an orphanage that nearly brought me to tears. There was about 60 kids and only 30 cots for them to sleep on and almost every single child was sick and some didn't even have pants or underwear to put on. Our leader told us that some of the people who run the orphanages will purposely make the children sick so that people will give them more money. Every child i picked up i just wanted to take home with me, but sadly we cant do that but what we can do it pray for each and every one of them and pray that God will provide for them and eventually send them to a good home weather it be in Haiti or in the States.

great pictures!!
ReplyDeletecampmeeting yay!!