It had been a couple of months that I had been looking for a turtle. I researched online to see where the sold baby turtles, but to my sadness, no one in Florida sold them! So a couple weeks later a couple of us were walking down St.George street and I saw a couple walking with two baby turtles! I told Annie to run and see where they had gotten them, and they pointed us in the right direction. We found the store and walked in and to my surprise there was a full tank of baby turtles! I was so excited and had to get one, but of course they had a special deal to get the second one for a cheaper price so i ended up getting two :-) I'm not exactly sure if they are male or female but you can tell a difference between the two so i decided that one was male and one was female and I named them Bonnie and Clyde. They are so cute and i love watching them swim around in their tank. They are crazy turtles and like swimming as fast as they can around the tank. They have become part of the family here at The Old Jail House :-)

i love them! So fun :)